Hi all,
We've been using Haproxy for a couple of years now to load balance our external traffic and our internal backend services. We recently upgraded from version 1.4.8 to 1.4.18 and we noticed some connection initialization performance issues when connecting from Ruby's standard net::http library, specifically it takes about 200ms longer for the connection to establish then it used to. It's unclear if the issue comes from Ruby or Haproxy. We're interested if anyone has run into similar problems and if there are things we can do to help identify the issue for fixing.
For the example code below we have a tomcat server running on port 8888. Haproxy is listening on port 8887 and loadbalancing to it as the only non-backup server in that listen block. This is using ruby 1.9.1p378 (1.9.1p429 has same issue). Note that it doesn't matter if it's on localhost (as below) or another machine.
require 'net/http'
require 'benchmark'
(1) Connecting through Haproxy 1.4.18 to tomcat
10.times do
http = Net::HTTP.start(localhost, 8887)
Benchmark.realtime do
http.post(path, URI.escape(params))
puts m
0.283593893051147 0.291399002075195 0.286567211151123 0.291929006576538 0.292807579040527 0.292263031005859 0.292068481445312 0.29228663444519 0.284586191177368 0.307933330535889
(2) The slowness is only in establishing the connection/first request
http = Net::HTTP.start(localhost, 8887)
10.times do
Benchmark.realtime do
http.post(path, URI.escape(params))
puts m
0.284791707992554 0.0461645126342773 0.0307860374450684 0.0891320705413818 0.0332472324371338 0.0640416145324707 0.0728485584259033 0.0676729679107666 0.0717344284057617 0.0906641483306885
(3) If we bypass Haproxy and hit tomcat directly don't see the slowness
10.times do
http = Net::HTTP.start(localhost, 8888)
Benchmark.realtime do
http.post(path, URI.escape(params))
puts m
0.0538337230682373 0.0343561172485352 0.0473048686981201 0.039668083190918 0.0315456390380859 0.0296871662139893 0.0543346405029297 0.0314345359802246 0.0287115573883057 0.0359044075012207
(4) If we hit Haproxy 1.4.8 (same haproxy config, minus stats socket) we
don't see the slowness (or at least not nearly to the same degree)
10.times do
http = Net::HTTP.start(localhost, 8887)
Benchmark.realtime do
http.post(path, URI.escape(params))
puts m
0.0857374668121338 0.0475654602050781 0.0486986637115479 0.045814037322998 0.0468342304229736 0.053391695022583 0.0451278686523438 0.0491366386413574 0.053142786026001 0.0475285053253174
(5) If we use wget/curl or go through nginx we don't see the slowness.
time wget "http://localhost:8887/<http://localhost:8888/bridge/JSONControllerServlet.do?&M=recs_per_page:10%7Chost:localhost%7Cport:5519&N=0&Ntk=commodity_and_supplier_name_and_spp&Ntx=mode+matchboolean&Ntt=cow&Nr=OR(record_spec:c21633828,record_spec:c57722532,record_spec:c23517549,record_spec:c81817342,record_spec:c8158662,record_spec:c49196212,record_spec:c80879252,record_spec:c68471891,record_spec:c8993453,record_spec:c6351387)>
=> real 0.035 seconds
(6) Oddly enough if the connection goes through an ssh tunnel we don't see
the problem.
machine1> ssh -L 6789:localhost:8887 machine2
on machine 1
10.times do
http = Net::HTTP.start(localhost, 6789)
Benchmark.realtime do
http.post(path, URI.escape(params))
puts m
0.0445387363433838 0.0284795761108398 0.0327854156494141 0.0375099182128906 0.030207633972168 0.0273423194885254 0.0348851680755615 0.0450797080993652 0.0429427623748779 0.0306704044342041
Some info on our haproxy config:
maxconn 5000
tune.bufsize 1048576
tune.maxrewrite 524288
log local0 log local1 notice daemon nbproc 1 user haproxy group haproxy chroot ***
option httplog balance roundrobin mode http
listen **** :8887
balance leastconn
log local1 notice
server *** ***:8888 check port 8891 inter 3000 fall 1 rise 2
server *** ***:8888 check port 8892 inter 3000 fall 1 rise 2 backup
# bunch of other listen blocks (~10, biggest has 140 server lines)
# one tcp listen block
listen *** :****
mode tcp
option tcplog
retries 3
timeout connect 2s
timeout server 1s
server *** ***:**** check inter 1000 fall 1 rise 2
server *** ***:**** check inter 1000 fall 1 rise 2 backup
Tim Received on 2011/12/12 20:33
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