Technology Site Seeks New PartnersThe
Techno Club Boasts...
$2,300+ in revenue over the past 12 months100%+ revenue growth over the past 12 months130%+ traffic growth over the past 3 months (verified
by Alexa)Average Visitor Annual Income - $42, 186
The above numbers speak for themselves.
doubling annually and traffic doubling quarterly, you will not
find a site growing faster than that.
The Techno Club offers access to the most
sought after demographic: technology professionals and early adopters. The
costs to maintain the business is only in supplying content and the current
owner is willing to stay on to ensure continuity. He is looking for new
owners so that he can focus on writing.
Reply if you would
like to take The Techno Club to the next level.
Best Regards,
Alexander Boggs
Eli Boggs Media
2885 Sanford
Avenue, South West #15918 Grandville, Michigan 49418 if you would like
to never hear from us again head to obsidianpunch.

Received on 2011/06/09 06:27