Re: haproxy 1.4.10 with option http-pretent-keepalive is become very slow

From: Cyril Bont¨¦ <>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 20:43:44 +0100


Le jeudi 9 d¨¦cembre 2010 07:40:20, ÖܲýéÅ a ¨¦crit :
> My english is very poor. If nginx proxy server is front of haproxy
> server with option http-pretent-keeplive , the requests become very
> slow. But is normal of direct request to haproxy server .
> please help me.
> Changrong.zhou

Can you provide your nginx and haproxy configuration (or part of them). Recently I had some issues like this with nginx as a proxy (with or whithout haproxy).
I could reproduce it with :

- ssl on
- several proxy_set_header
- proxy_buffering on

as if the last buffer data were not sent until the http keep alive timeout !

As soon as I removed one of this condition, it was OK. I didn't have time to make more tests.

Cyril Bont¨¦
Received on 2010/12/09 20:43

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